发起人:yunb7  回复数:10  浏览数:7102  最后更新:2012/9/5 14:52:53 by hjhj21

发表新帖  帖子排序:
2012/9/5 14:51:21

角  色:普通会员
发 帖 数:10
American Iron Oxide Company
American Iron Oxide Company
American Iron Oxide Company
The first AMROX facility began providing acid recycling services in Allenport, Pennsylvania, USA in September 1995. This AMROX facility processes over 23 million gallons of waste acid per year, resulting in the production of over 15,000 tons per year of iron oxide. This facility incorporates a modified IROX / NKK purification system, enabling AMROX to produce high purity iron oxide with SiO2 levels less than 100 PPM. The facility produces a very consistent quality iron oxide product since waste pickle liquor as feedstock is received from only two steel mill sources.

AMROX has recently added two new facilities located in Portage, Indiana and Rockport, Indiana. These facilities combined will produce over 60,000 tons of iron oxide per year. The Rockport facility will include a revolutionary solvent extraction process, enabling production of ultra-high purity iron oxide containing less than 400 PPM of combined contaminants (excluding chloride). AMROX is also developing several facilities outside the continental US. Additionally, ISSI (the parent company of AMROX) owns and operates the following acid recycling facilities: Re-Gen, Inc. (Warren, OH), MII (Burns Harbor, IN), SAMROX (Argentina), ISSI - France, and INDROX (India). ISSI also operates an acid recycling facility located in Monclova, Coahuila, Mexico.

AMROX is well positioned to service the current and future iron oxide supply and demand requirements in the global marketplace. AMROX is positioned to become the largest iron oxide producer in the USA, and possibly throughout the world. AMROX worldwide production capacity is expected to exceed 75,000 metric tons per year. AMROX understands the importance of meeting the needs of its clients, and is at the forefront of technological development. The technology utilized at the AMROX facilities will allow client s requirements to be satisfied well into the next century.
iron oxide